Your Effortless Underarm Skincare Guide

Your Effortless Underarm Skincare Guide

When did armpits become a go-to descriptor for some of the worst places in the world? New Jersey, Florida, even Battle Mountain, Nevada have all been referred to as “the armpit” to denote some intangible terrible-ness that wafts off them. 

We’re looking to upend that narrative - for New Jersey and armpits alike. It’s time we celebrate our pits for all the marvelous things they do. Use this underarm skincare guide to treat your pits to some pampering. 

1. Suds up

Every now and then, treat your pits to a proper sudsing, for you and for the people closest to you. A natural soap eliminates bacteria and the dirt, grime, and savory sweat they feed on. You don’t need to scrub the skin off - a gentle lather will do just fine.

2. Exfoliate your way to silky smooth pits

Just like your face, knees, elbows, and feet, your armpits can use a little exfoliation from time to time. Product, sweat, and dirt can build up here - clogging pores and leaving you with painful ingrown hairs. Since your underarms don’t often see the light of day, the skin underneath is sensitive. Exfoliating with a gentle cleanser (like one made for your face) works wonders in unclogging pores and removing built up dirt and grime.

3. Moisturize, maybe 

We’re not going to suggest you overhaul your entire evening skincare routine with our underarm skincare guide. Pits are obviously our top priority and while we like to sing them sweet lullabies before bed, we understand that you may not. Those with particularly sensitive skin can consider moisturizing their pits after shaving or in dry, cold weather. Armpits are more sensitive than we ever give them credit for and we even tend to beat up on them, poor little guys. Use an unscented lotion and apply it post shower, every week or so. If you're prone to razor burn or breakouts, stick with a moisturizing toner that doesn’t strip the skin of its natural oils. 

4. Detoxing is less complicated than you think

Ditch the charcoal detox paste that stains your entire bathroom counter if you even look at it the wrong way. Your armpits are well-oiled machines that actually do the detoxing for you. If you’ve been using aluminum deodorant, making the switch to natural can take a few weeks. Your pits will breathe a huge sigh of relief at not being poisoned anymore and will revel in the glory of being their true, sweaty selves. It’s 2022 after all, don’t we just want to be the people that mother nature made us to be? Ok, ok, we’re getting off the soapbox. For detailed information about detoxing your armpits and what to expect, check out this guide.

5. Pit Liquor to the rescue

Choosing the right deodorant that doesn’t dry out or irritate pits is key to taking care of your underarms. You don’t want to sabotage all the hard work you’ve put in caring for your pits by slapping some chemicals and irritants back on. Pit Liquor is here to help. Our organic formulations are free from irritants (we’re looking at you, baking soda), aluminum, and other toxic chemical agents, like formaldehyde and antifreeze. 

No wonder your armpits need some TLC. They’re basically living in an episode of Snapped day in and day out. With Pit Liquor, they will relax and do their thing, releasing sweat without the smell. Denatured alcohol kills the bacteria while teas and arrowroot powder create an inhospitable environment that discourages bacteria. Essential oils leave a gentle, natural aroma for you to bask in all damn day. Some people have even reported that Pit Liquor helps clear up eczema. Pit Liquor can be your hero.

Go ahead, treat yourself.
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