5 Toxins Lurking In Your Body Products

5 Toxins Lurking In Your Body Products

Come along for a fun "info binge" as we get nerdy about deodorant. Do you know what's in yours?
April 16, 2021 — Laycie McClain
Pit Liquor Beach

Pit Liquor x Spring Break 🍍🥥

The weather is turning and sun seekers rejoice! In the heat of this Spring Break and summer, your pits can smell like a piña colada instead of a roasted gym bag.
April 09, 2021 — Laycie McClain
The Safest Deodorant for Pregnant Moms

The Safest Deodorant for Pregnant Moms

Pit Liquor allows you to use a truly non-toxic deodorant formulated specifically for the high standards of pregnancy safety. Finally, there's a deodorant brand you can trust with your pits and your progeny!
April 02, 2021 — Laycie McClain
Your Surprising Solution for Pit Stench

Your Surprising Solution for Pit Stench

Alcohol + Food-Based Aromas = Dreamy Pits

Pit Liquor deodorant is something like a sommelier for your pits—offering a complementary pairing of alcohol and food that really does make you smell absolutely delicious. 

March 26, 2021 — Laycie McClain
You and Queen E: The DL on Toxic Daily-Use Products

You and Queen E: The DL on Toxic Daily-Use Products

Queen Elizabeth 1 and her beauty regimen have a lot to teach us about knowing the ingredients of your daily routine. Do you know what's in the products you use every day?
March 19, 2021 — Laycie McClain
Pit Liquor Reviews: A Top 10 List

Pit Liquor Reviews: A Top 10 List

A David Letterman-style Top 10 List of Pit Liquor reviews from happy customers with happy, stink-free armpits.
March 12, 2021 — Laycie McClain
What Makes The Best Natural Deodorant On Earth

What Makes The Best Natural Deodorant On Earth

An effective, non-toxic deodorant isn't a thing of mythology, it's mixology! Meet Pit Liquor--the most effective natural deodorant on the market. Your search for the right deodorant ends here!
February 26, 2021 — Laycie McClain
Self Love

Self Love


"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." -Lucille Ball

You care about yourself. You know what you love; you know what you hate. You choose your favorite foods, your best dress, your drink of choice. You're a confident and capable human being. But the moment you walk down the personal care aisles at your favorite store, you freeze up. You wonder how to decide which shampoo or deodorant or cosmetic to buy. What if you use your amazing self-confidence to choose your bath and body products too? It's already inside you, you just have to discover how to use it.

Our world full of ads and influencers and strategic product placement can make it seem confusing to choose the best products. And like we've shared with you before, even "natural" products might not actually be natural! So how do you love yourself and your body well?

Start with the ingredients.

Before you place that beautiful bottle in your basket, flip it around and take a look at the ingredients. Are there chemicals or long names you've never heard of? Sulfates and parabens and that mystical catch-all "fragrance"? These kinds of products are hiding all sorts of chemicals that will poison your body over time. Your health and hormones work hard to filter our this kind of garbage every day, so make it easier on them by choosing natural products that boost your health. Find ingredients that you know, and are made from food or natural substances. Look for a short list that includes only what's really necessary, not a long list of additives.

Know yourself.

You already know your likes and dislikes, so dig down deeper to your health and wellness. Perhaps you have a gluten allergy or a history of breast cancer. Maybe you're vegan or allergic to fragrances. You already know this important information about yourself, so filter your body purchases through these conditions. Choose cruelty free or gluten free products. Look for non-aluminum deodorant or fragrance-free lotion. Don't be afraid to contact the brands you love and ask questions, or Google search for specific criteria. Chances are someone else has a similar health issue and has discovered or created just what you need.

Love yourself.

It can be easy to explain away splurging  on your favorite scents or quality products. But the bottom line is that you are worth the cost. You are worth caring for the body you inhabit. You are worth that favorite scent or favorite brand or extra-special item. So go for it. Give yourself the comfort and health you deserve by choosing products that are great for your body and make you happy


Wondering where to start your better-products journey? Find out more about our brand and why we started Distilled Bath & Body in the first place.

February 14, 2021 — Melanie Allen
The Best Natural Deodorant

The Best Natural Deodorant

What is the best natural deodorant that actually works? Learn more about our natural deodorant at Distilled Bath & Body and order it for yourself today!
January 29, 2021 — Melanie Allen
Pit Liquor Natural Deodorant

You're Worth It


Here at Pit Liquor headquarters, we regularly talk about how much we love our customers. We think you all are pretty amazing for many reasons, and one of the biggest is that you get it. You understand that spending money on yourself for good, quality products matters. And you aren't shy about sharing that with us and with your people.

We also fairly regularly get comments from non-Pit Liquor customers saying things like, "Your deodorant costs how much per bottle?" or "I'm not paying that when I can get a tube of deodorant at the drugstore for $3.99!" We usually chuckle a little and encourage these new friends to give us a try. Today let's take a closer look at why Pit Liquor is worth the splurge:

Cost Per Wear

Our 100ml bottles of deodorant cost $19.95, and last for 3-4 months. This means you actually pay around $5-6 per month for your deodorant. When you consider your lotions, body products, skin care, etc., you regularly pay just as much for a quality wrinkle cream or quality hair products.

We love a good bang for your buck as much as the next woman, so we have a little not-so-secret for you today: You can save money on our deodorant. How, you ask? Well, let me introduce you to our reFILL bottles. These babies hold 370ml each, which is enough to refill your 100ml spray bottle more than 3 times (that's about one year's worth!). Not only does this produce less waste, it keeps you on budget and stink-free for months at a time.

If reFILL bottles aren't your jam, try our subscription program. Subscribe to a product and save 12% off every purchase. That's money back in your pockets and an auto-shipment that saves you mental energy. Fun fact: if you really want to save you can subscribe and save on our reFILL bottles!

Little Luxuries

Out to eat with friends? $40.

Coffee at your favorite shop? $7 per visit

Good beauty and skincare products? $60 each

That subscription box everyone is talking about? $50 a quarter

It's crazy how fast small luxuries add up over time. With our glass bottles, beautiful labels, and fantastic scents, we see Pit Liquor as luxury for your arm pits. This much-maligned body part deserves some love too! Bonus points for looking beautiful on your bathroom counter.

Health Benefits

Need we say more? You already know Pit Liquor is an actually natural natural deodorant. (Or if you didn't you can read about it here!) We pride ourselves on our natural, organic ingredients. With a rising concern about the chemicals in deodorants, we believe this matters most of all. Your health isn't worth saving a few bucks. Period. We dream of a world without cancer or other nasty illnesses, and we see our deodorant is one step toward that goal.


So what do you say? Are you convinced? We sure are! Shop our amazing line of (actually) natural deodorant now and use code THANKS for 15% off through January 18.


January 15, 2021 — Melanie Allen
New Year, New You

4 Ways to Have a Great New Year


Can we all just agree right now that 2020 was the worst? I think we're all breathing a collective sigh of relief that the year is over. And here we are: 2021. A fresh start, a blank canvas, a chance to renew ourselves.

A lot of people talk about goals or resolutions this time of year, and it sure feels like a year to make some new plans or ideals. But instead of specific "new year's resolutions" that you can break by February (unless it's Creed's cartwheel, then you've got this) what if we create something more achievable, more customizable?

Today we're sharing five general categories for you to think through. Each one is broad enough to encompass any person, any lifestyle. We'll give you a few ideas to get you thinking, but you can take each category and make it what works for you. The goal? To help you have the best year yet. Your goals are your own, and we want to come alongside you and cheer you on.

1. Personal Health

If we've learned anything this year, it's that your health is worth protecting. We want you to find yourself happier and healthier in 2021. And let's be clear: this doesn't mean you need to go run a marathon or lose 20 pounds. Maybe you want to do that, and that's cool with us, but don't put yourself into somebody else's expectations. You can be healthy, active, and happy, no matter who you are or your life circumstances.

Here's a few ideas to get you started:

  • Switch to natural deodorant: (You knew this was coming!) Get rid of those carcinogens and do your pits a favor with Pit Liquor's natural and organic formula. Wondering why this matters? Check out this post on natural deodorant.
  • Move your body every day: No matter your circumstances, your body needs to move to stay strong and healthy. Rather than putting yourself into a "go to the gym everyday" mold, make a goal like "move for 20 minutes every day." Then you can check off that gym day, a walk with a friend, or chasing your toddler around the house as care for your body.

2. Self-Care

Your self needs some love, wouldn't you agree? 2020 depleted every one of us. We hope this year you'll show yourself some kindness and do things that really matter to you, things you love and that bring you joy.

  • Do more of what you love: We can all agree there are things in our life that we love but just can't seem to find time for. Make this be the year you finally carve out the time! Maybe you want to read more book or run local trails or try good beer or perfect your underwater basket-weaving skills. Whatever your passion, we hope you'll make time for more of it this year. 
  • Sleep: Can the importance of sleep ever be overrated? Let's collectively agree to catch our 8 hours so we're a happier, healthier version of ourselves.

3. Kindness

If we've learned anything in 2020, it's that kindness matters in big and small ways. We hope in the coming year we can all make an effort to show kindness to everyone around them.

  • Choose a small act of kindness every day: Thank your grocery clerk, smile at the woman in line behind you (with your eyes, or maybe a smiley face mask!), pick up trash on the sidewalk, call an old friend, you get the idea. Small kindnesses matter deeply to others and boost your own mood as well.
  • Deepen your relationships: Show others how much they matter to you by taking the time to care about them. Send a card, make a phone call, even meet in person if you're able. Choose one or two people in your life specifically this year to find a truly deep and loving relationship with.

4. Giving Back

 One of our top values at Distilled Bath & Body is giving back to the world. We have a sustainability program, and what we're most proud of is the Tolos Project. In your own life, we hope you make our beautiful world a better place.

  • Find a charity that matters to you: Maybe it's working with animals or children across the world or revitalization in your neighborhood. Big or small, find a charity and give! You can donate your time, possessions, money, or support in a variety of ways that will be meaningful to you and those you're supporting.
  • Spend time each week giving back: Maybe you want to tutor kids or serve meals to the elderly or snuggle puppies at the pound. Whatever matters to you, go beyond a charity to your own neighborhood and find ways to invest your time in what matters to you.

We believe this year could be your best one yet. Tell us your goals for each category so we can cheer you on!


Melanie lives near Raleigh, NC with her husband and three kids. She loves hot coffee, good books, and deep conversations. Connect with her on Instagram via @melaniesallen

January 01, 2021 — Melanie Allen
What Your Wife Really Wants for Christmas

What Your Wife Really Wants for Christmas


It's the most wonderful time of the year. Twinkling lights shine all around, holiday decorations fill the stores, and you thoughtfully purchased gifts for your beloved wife and everyone else on your list. Wait... what are you getting your wife for Christmas?

You definitely don't want to repeat last year's mistake. That ironing board may have been something she needed, but it most definitely did not qualify as a gift. Note to you: don't buy household items unless your wife specifically asks for them. And even then, just don't. This year you want to make a big gesture and show her how thoughtful you can be and how much you appreciate her. Well, never fear, the Pit Liquor fairy is here! As a woman-owned, women-run business, we know what your wife really wants for Christmas. Are you ready? 

She wants a break. An honest to goodness, rest-without-anyone-bothering-her, minute/hour/day to herself.

This has been a tough year for us all, and your wife has become a super hero juggling work and kids and life as a whole. We know you appreciate her more than you could ever express, and we also know it can be hard to translate that love into a gift. We have the perfect gift trifecta for you: a few thoughtfully chosen, good for her body products to guide her toward the rest she needs and deserves.

First up: our new olive oil castile soap. This small-batch, handmade soap will wash away all her worries, leaving her smelling sweet and fresh. It's gentle enough for her face, hands, or body, and is easy to travel with once life returns to normal. With lavender, orange clove, and lime to choose from, you can find one that suits her perfectly.

Next, add our lavender bath tea. Healing umkaloabo, calming sea buckthorn, and Epsom salts combine with lavender and four other powerhouse healing herbs to pamper her and leave her rejuvenated. Fill the tub, add the tea, and let her soak her way to happiness. Bonus points for soothing music and candles.

Finish your perfect gift trio with our fan-favorite deodorant. She'll smell so good and feel so fresh she won't sweat the small (or big) stuff that's coming her way. We love coconut rum paired with our lime soap, lavender for a triple soap/tea/deodorant trifecta, or chai spice with our orange clove soap.

Pull these three together (we'll even gift wrap them for you) along with a dedicated, on the calendar day to herself before year's end. Take the kids or the dog and leave her to wash her cares away. No phone calls, no cleaning, just rest. After 2020, she deserves it.

December 09, 2020 — Melanie Allen